加工定制:是 | 种类:热风旋转炉 | 品牌:奎宏 |
型号:100型 | 售后服务:保修一年 | 电压:380V |
功率:48Kw | 产品用途:各种食品的烘烤 | 外形尺寸:2200*1960*2650mm |
烤盘尺寸:400*600mm | 净重:2000Kg | 包装:木箱 |
适用范围:蛋糕房设备、 面包房设备、 西餐店设备、 休闲食品厂设备 | 营销:清仓 |
热风旋转炉 Rotary Oven
Being a key equipment in the bread production line which is suitable to and effective in the making of high quality bread. It can be divided into three types. They are the diesel heating, gas heating and electrical heating. The outer casing and inner cabin are made of stainless steel, clean and hygienic. This machine applies-rotating roller, making the whole food evenly heated. In addition the oven so as to meet the standards required. After baking for some time the bread is well done, full of elasticity, soft, fresh and delicious.